May 21, 2019
Even though public awareness of addiction has skyrocketed during the American opioid epidemic, navigating the system of publicly funded, non-profit and other low-cost options can apparently be so complex that it might sadly deter individuals from seeking treatment. Problems include long wait lists, eligibility conflicts and overall awareness of options. We are including the following link in the hopes that it might be a useful and comprehensive overview for those seeking help:
February 14, 2017
We were recently sent the following links by the Community Outsource Coordinator at the Alcohol Awareness Council, which list drug and alcohol treatment centers in New York.
Although Paris himself did not suffer from an addiction to alcohol we thought it would be an informative resource. If anyone would care to share information relating to addiction that might be helpful to other young people please feel free to submit to:
With love...
September 14, 2015
I don’t believe in souls in a literal sense, but I believe Russel Brand when he says that addiction in general stems from ‘a malady of the soul.’ How to articulate the way I reconcile those seemingly contradictory views?
Heroin addiction is an illness, yes, and an illness, to me, is one kind of malady – one affecting the physical properties of the corpus or brain. Not ruling out a kind of ‘soft physicalism’, we can still talk about maladies subjectively experienced – both moment to moment and in the narrative of one’s life with which one is in almost constant dialogue.
If heroin addiction was my illness, its most powerful and primitive symptom was invisible, undetectable most of all to me. I would describe the symptoms as a kind of - perhaps one day to be discovered as - a neurologically linked class of AMNESIA. We all know the Einstein line about insanity and repetition, but the truism doesn’t indicate whether the person expecting different results from an identical action indeed remembers that all his prior misadventures have been identical, or that they’ve even occurred at all.
I have a malady, the nature of which I am only now, at 28, daring to scratch the surface of. The malady goes beyond addiction. That was itself a symptom, and a likelihood, I feel now I was, like all, bound for it from youth.
Example and diversion: how have I repeatedly justified to myself the last 1.5 years, the very definition of stagnation.
April 11, 2015
Paris's entry on Drugs Forum:
To view the original post and some responses, please click here.
fragments on my addiction - heroin life love success libido testosterone lust and reality
"[Opium] has kept, and does now keep down the population: the women have fewer children than those of other countries...the feeble opium-smokers of Assam...are more effeminate than women."
-Charles Alexander Bruce, "Report on the Manufacture of Tea and on the Extent and Produce of the Tea Plantations in Assam," Calcutta, 1839.
Whenever the question is posed to me regarding the circumstances under which I was first introduced and became addicted to heroin, my answer comes pre-prepared. I have given it many times, and, when, after a certain number of repetitions I felt that I had not left out any significant aspects, it gradually became nothing more than a loose recitation.
[the rote story]
It was only very recently, on the back of a new research of mine, that I realized my little account, though told in earnest, was not necessarily as veracious as I had come to believe. In fact, it might have been missing the point altogether.
The truth, I hesitate to say so flippantly yet feel compelled to do so, is that I may have wanted to be a heroin addict for many years prior to meeting the drug up close; before, it is possible, I ever ever knew what it was.
Sat., Sep 7?
Haven’t written in this last week. Not since Sun or Mon. It is now the following Sat. Well, the deal is on. Detoxed this week under the extremely humane, caring oversight of the doctors, nurses, therapists and assistants at STARS. What a blessing. How unimaginably more trying and painful would the same effort have been under my own meagre strength and willpower alone. I would have failed – almost no question in my mind. At any rate, they admined. small ‘challenge’ doses of Naltrexone to me from Wed. onward, titrating (?) as we went. I didn’t use and responded well to the doses – better than the vast majority I was told – So, on Friday at just shy of 1 o’clock PM, I took 380mg Vivitrol into my left butt cheek. A long-ish needle steadily injected deep into the muscular tissue. So I write to you from ‘the other side’, the side on which any opiate under the sun, manmade or otherwise, would have zero subjective effect on me for the next 30 days.
NOTE: Although previously addicted to heroin, toxicology showed none in his system. What killed Paris was a combination of cocaine cut with fentanyl, a deadly boutique opiate that is the cause of a current and rapidly spreading epidemic among our youth.
Love and light to everyone fighting addiction of any kind.